IRCICA Director General Prof. Mahmud Erol Kılıç gave a lecture on 21 October 2023 during the 2nd International Symposium “Our Tradition, Future and Masters” organized by Konya Karatay Municipality and Necmeddin Erbakan University (NEÜ) in Konya. In his lecture, Prof. Kılıç spoke of the metaphysical framework of Islamic arts, by describing the notions of “Meaning” and “Aim” which inspire the artist and infuse spirit into the artwork and explaining these concepts that are at the basis of all verbal and formal expressions with quotes from the sayings of the great Sufis, including Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi and Mevlana Celaleddin-i Rumi. The lecture was attended by the faculty members and students of NEÜ Faculty of Fine Arts and Architecture, along with artists and other interested circles.
Prof. Mahmud Erol Kılıç gave a lecture during the International Symposium on Islamic Arts in Konya