IRCICA Calligraphy Course with Ferhat Kurlu


IRCICA aims to encourage the practice, teaching and appreciation of the arts of the Muslim world on global scale by organizing training programs, particularly on calligraphy and the book arts, on account of their special place in Islamic culture and the great interest they enjoy. The training program on calligraphy coordinated by IRCICA for many years has offered artists from around the world the opportunity to upgrade their skills in the different calligraphic styles and obtain licenses – Ijaza allowing them to practice and teach this art. The courses are being taught by leading calligraphers, two days a week, in classes conducted in hybrid format.

Ferhat Kurlu, Biography
Ferhat Kurlu was born in Ordu in 1976. During his undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Theology at On Dokuz Mayıs University, he took riqa courses from Muzaffer Ecevit. In 1996, he started to work under the supervision of Hasan Çelebi from whom he obtained his certificate in thuluth-naskh in 2000, with a ceremony organized at IRCICA headquarters. Furthermore, in 2010, he obtained his certificate in taliq. He has written approximately two hundred hilyahs and one hundred pieces in thuluth, jaly thuluth and taliq. Kurlu has written Calligraphy on inscriptions, domes and bands in many mosques, masjids and fountains. He was a jury member of the Calligraphy competition held at Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia.  Teaching calligraphy at IRCICA and at the Hacı Alaaddin Elmas Mosque where he serves as an imam, Kurlu has many students.

All lessons are available on our YouTube Channel.

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